What are veneers?

Veneers have been popular for many years as a fast, easy, and effective path to a flawless smile. Veneers are made of tooth colored ceramic that is put on the natural tooth to prevent damage and also to improve the appearance of the tooth. Veneers are a great solution for patients with fractured teeth, small spaces, or even slightly crooked teeth.

Contact us today. Our friendly and experienced team of dental professionals will give you a reason to smile!


Veneers are custom made for each individual patient and are designed to match the appearance of natural teeth making them almost impossible to detect. Because of the advanced materials used in veneers, they are resistant to staining caused by tobacco, tea and coffee. A major advantage of veneers is the fact that there is minimal interference with the natural teeth. They can also be a great option for teeth resistant to whitening procedures, making even the most stained looking teeth look bright and beautiful. If you have small gaps, minor twists, or overlaps, veneers may be a great option to improve your smile.


Maintenance of your veneers is surprisingly easy! Just treat them in the same way you would care for your natural teeth. Regular brushing and flossing will keep them clean and bright. We recommend using a non-abrasive toothpaste which contains fluoride.