Laser Lip, Cheek, and Tongue Tie Frenectomies for Infants, Children, and Adults

Dr. Goodwin works closely with local IBCLCs, Chiropractors, and Pediatricians to properly care for Infants that develop symptoms from restricted tethered oral tissues. If moms are experiencing pain during breast-feeding and/or your child is having trouble gaining weight, breathing, having increased colic symptoms, clicking when feeding, inability to accomplish a deep latch, etc…, please contact our office today for a consult with Dr. Goodwin.

Restricted ties that go undiagnosed or untreated early can lead to poor development of oral cavity, snoring/airway issues, enlarged spacing between teeth, increased caries risk, speech problems, increased recession around natural dentition, etc…. If you think you may have an undiagnosed lip or tongue tie, please contact our office today for a consult with Dr. Goodwin. Not all ties need to be released, but if symptoms are present, you may notice significant improvement in both your oral and overall health if the restriction is released.

Contact us today. Our friendly and experienced team of dental professionals will give you a reason to smile!