Do you have a dental emergency?

Our team of dental professional strives to provide same day emergency dental care for the community of San Angelo, Texas.

Contact us today. Our friendly and experienced team of dental professionals will give you a reason to smile!

Common Dental Emergencies

Chipped and Broken Teeth – Dental enamel is the strongest substance in the body, however, it can still be chipped, cracked or broken in an accident. If you have damaged your smile through injury or by eating hard foods, we can repair your teeth and restore your beautiful smile. We use the very best materials available to make long lasting, natural looking repairs.

Damaged Dental Appliances – Just like natural teeth, dental prosthetics, such as dentures, bridges, and crowns, can be broken. Sudden trauma or bad habits such as chewing ice or nails can break prosthetics just as they can with natural teeth. Our team is highly trained and experienced and can replace or restore your prosthetics, restoring your bright smile.

Tooth Aches – If you are experiencing discomfort, sensitivity, or severe pain, it could be a sign that you have some decay in your tooth or an infection. By removing the decay in your tooth, we can restore function and ensure your teeth stay healthy. If the tooth is actually infected, antibiotics may be prescribed and treatment options discussed to help relieve the discomfort.

Bleeding and Puffy Gums – These symptoms can be a sign of an underlying oral health issues, such as gum disease. There are many negative effects of gum disease; in more serious cases it can cause teeth to fall out and your gums to recede. If you are experiencing gum pain or if your gums bleed regularly, make an appointment with us right away so we can check for periodontal disease and help relieve the symptoms.

Knocked-Out Teeth – If you have lost a tooth through a dental emergency, we can help restore the appearance of your smile through our many cosmetic procedures.

Don’t Wait to Treat a Dental Emergency

If you have experienced a dental emergency, you should seek professional dental care immediately. Call our office right away and we will do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible.